# A generic rotation routine for the gnuplot view. In the commands # that load this file, the following should be defined: # # iteration_count: set iteration_count=0 # # limit_iterations: if set to a nonzero value, it'll stop after that # many iterations; if zero value, continues indefinitely # # xrot: the initial x rotation of the view # # xrot_delta: the amount to increment the x rotation for each new plot # # xview: function for generating x view value; for example # xview(xrot)=(50.+30.*sin((xrot%180)/180.*pi)) # # zrot: the initial z rotation of the view # # zrot_delta: the amount to increment the z rotation for each new plot # # zview: function for generating z view value; for example # zview(zrot)=(60.+45.*sin(zrot/180.*pi)) # # History: # - 1. 1. 2006 Dan Sebald: Made more generic so other demos could use # - ?. ?. ? Hans-Bernhard Broeker: Used to just turn round and round # by somewhat large steps. Now, it tumbles back and forth # smoothly. # - ?. ?. ? ?: Initial recursive script iteration_count=iteration_count+1 if ((!limit_iterations) || (iteration_count<=limit_iterations)) \ set view xview(xrot),zview(zrot); \ replot; \ zrot=(zrot+zrot_delta)%360; \ xrot=(xrot+xrot_delta)%360; \ reread