## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in -*-Makefile-*- AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign CLEANFILES = binary1 binary2 binary3 defaults.ini equipo2.tmp field2xy.tmp \ soundfit.par temp.set fontfile.ps fontfile_latex.ps epslatex-inc.eps \ epslatex-inc.pdf epslatex.aux epslatex.dvi epslatex.log epslatex.pdf \ epslatex.ps epslatex.tex random.tmp stringvar.tmp fit.log fitmulti.dat BINARY_FILES = binary1 binary2 binary3 SUBDIRS = $(PLUGIN_DIR) DIST_SUBDIRS = plugin DEMO = all.dem GNUPLOT = gnuplot all: $(BINARY_FILES) $(BINARY_FILES): ../src/bf_test @echo Creating binary data files @../src/bf_test check-prepare: check-local: check-noninteractive check-interactive: check-prepare $(BINARY_FILES) @if test -z "$(GNUTERM)" ; then \ ( bdir=`pwd` ; PATH=$$bdir/../src:$$PATH \ FIT_LOG="" \ GNUPLOT_DRIVER_DIR=$$bdir/../src \ GNUPLOT_LIB=$(srcdir) $(GNUPLOT) $(DEMO) ); \ else \ ( bdir=`pwd` ; PATH=$$bdir/../src:$$PATH \ FIT_LOG="" \ GNUPLOT_DRIVER_DIR=$$bdir/../src \ GNUTERM="$(GNUTERM)" \ GNUPLOT_LIB=$(srcdir) $(GNUPLOT) $(DEMO) ); \ fi check-noninteractive: check-prepare $(BINARY_FILES) @if test -z "$(GNUTERM)" ; then \ ( bdir=`pwd` ; PATH=$$bdir/../src:$$PATH \ FIT_LOG="" \ GNUPLOT_DRIVER_DIR=$$bdir/../src \ GNUPLOT_LIB=$(srcdir) $(GNUPLOT) $(DEMO) $@t echo EXTRA_DIST = Makefile.am.in *.bin *.cfg *.cor *.dat *.dem *.edf \ *.fnc *.inc *.pdb *.png *.r3d *.rgb sound.par sound2.par \ start.par *.rot gnu-valley random-points gpdemos.tcl html | fmt | \ (tr '\012' @; echo) | sed 's/@$$/%/;s/@/ \\@/g' | tr @% '\012 ' \ >> $@t sed -n '/^##m4-files-end/,$$p' $< >> $@t echo if BUILD_PLUGIN >> $@t echo PLUGIN_DIR = plugin >> $@t echo endif >> $@t chmod og-w $@t mv $@t $@ if BUILD_PLUGIN PLUGIN_DIR = plugin endif